
That would be great.  If you wish you can email it to me.

This should be included in the trunk IMHO.



On Wed, 14 Jun 2006 21:19:54 +0200, Frank Burkhardt wrote
> Hi,
> On Wed, Jun 14, 2006 at 12:39:34PM -0500, mats.nordgren wrote:
> > I'm totally clueless as how to get a dict widget to work.
> > 
> > class IMyObject(Interface):
> >   mydict = Dict(
> >     title=u'My Dict',
> >     key_type=TextLine(),
> >     value_type=Int())
> > 
> > I see in the config file has no view defined for IDict
> > and ?IField?.  Is it just a matter of configuring a view or do I also need 
> > to
> > make a custom widget.
> AFAIK there's no Dict widget in zope.
> > Any help appreciated,
> You could wait until tomorrow when I'm back @work. I wrote 3 widgets:
>    * a generic dict widget (*:*)
>    * a choice dict widget (IChoice:*) which will remove elements already
>      used as keys from a given vocabulary.
>    * a language dict widget (ILanguageChoice:*) which is for 
> providing     an arbitrary number of language versions of something.
> Additionally I wrote a a fixed Dict-class. The zope one 
> (zope.schema.Dict) is broken and doesn't bind the key_type correctly.
> Regards,
> Frank

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