Roy Mathew wrote:
I need prettier edit widgets than the stock Rotterdam/Basic skin

The skins have little to do with it, except for the CSS styles that apply to pretty much all HTML.

Is there a collection of such widgets that maybe use
dojo/mochikit/scriptaculous. Or is it reasonable to simple re-style
(w/css) the stock widgets, or programmatically (in editform)
manipulate parameters, to get reasonable edit widgets.

There are several options. First of all, you can style the existing widgets with CSS. If you want to change their behaviour (JavaScript, etc.), then you're probably best of writing your own widgets. Often you can simply subclass the original ones in and override the __call__ method (which returns the widget's HTML).

To use your custom widgets in your forms, you have two options:

a) explicitly refer to them in form_fields:

   class MyForm(EditForm):
       form_fields = Fields(IMySchema)
       form_fields['afield'].custom_widget = MyCoolWidget

b) register them for the fields you use, so they get picked up automatically whenever a TextLine, Int, Choice, etc. field is used in a form (even in Zope 3 itself). See for exmaples of how the standard Zope 3 widgets are registered. By the way, instead of using IBrowserRequest, you probably may want to specify the interface of your custom layer or skin the 'type' argument to <view />. Or you have to use overrides.zcml, otherwise you'll get conflicts (obviously).


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