Hi Ivan,

the demos are all together quite outdated. In your case there's a wrong url provided in the index-template it should be:

<a href="/@@contents.html?type_name=BrowserAdd__zope3demos.otherdemos.formlib2.demo.Order">Create Formlib2 Demo Object</a>

instead of

<a href="/@@contents.html?type_name=BrowserAdd__zope3demos.formlib2.demo.Order">Create Formlib2 Demo Object</a>

You can create the object via the 'Add:'-Navigation. Choose 'Formlib Demo Object' there.


Ivan Horvath wrote:
Hi Tom,

yes, but i made another checkout to another folder, renamed the previous one.
it is the same
on the index page http://localhost:8080/@@z3d.index.html
i have the following contents (below)
and e.g. Create Formlib2 Demo Object <http://localhost:8080/@@contents.html?type_name=BrowserAdd__zope3demos.formlib2.demo.Order> link doesn't work, after entering a name to create new object gives ComponentLookupError: (<InterfaceClass zope.component.interfaces.IFactory>, u'Br
------ index start ------

    Viewlet/Contentprovider Examples

    * Viewlet 1 <http://localhost:8080/@@z3d.demo1.index.html>
    * Viewlet 2 <http://localhost:8080/@@z3d.demo2.index.html>

      Add content to root folder for next two demos.

    * Viewlet 3 <http://localhost:8080/@@z3d.demo3.index.html>
    * Viewlet 4 <http://localhost:8080/@@z3d.demo4.index.html>
    * Contentprovider 1 <http://localhost:8080/@@cpdemo1.html>

    Masterpage Examples

An exploration of alternatives to macros using viewlets and content providers

    * Masterpages without macros 1
    * Juergen Masterpages without macros 2
    * Jurgen Masterpages stripped down
          o @@z3d.mpdemo3.page1.html
          o @@z3d.mpdemo3.page2.html
    * Masterpages demo4
      <http://localhost:8080/@@z3d.mpdemo4.index.html> based on this
      blog posting
      by Stephan Richter
see also viewtemplate example.

    Viewtemplate Example

z3c.viewtemplate seperates the zpt template from the view class.

    * ++skin++MySkin/@@viewtemplate1.html
    * ++skin++MySkin2/@@viewtemplate1.html

    Formlib Demo

    * /@@z3d.formlib1.page1.html
    * /@@z3d.formlib1.page1-length.html
    * /@@z3d.formlib1.page1-name.html
    * /@@z3d.formlib1.page2.html
    * /@@z3d.formlib1.page3.html
    * Formlib2 Demo
          o Create Formlib2 Demo Object
          o Visit the new object
          o Edit the new object

------ index end ------

Tom Gross wrote:
Hi Ivan,

   did you get the code from the repository? It's:

svn checkout http://zope3demos.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ zope3demos


Ivan Horvath wrote:
thank you Tom!
i downloaded, but unfortunately i cannot see it in my browser.
what is the url for the otherdemos objectsofobject2 package?

Tom Gross wrote:
Hi Ivan,

I might be wrong, but I think there's an example for listwidgets containing objects in the zope3demos-package:


Maybe it helps.


Ivan Horvath wrote:
Dear All,

in my implementation there is an object. one of this object properties is a List. containing other objects.

the class which inherits ObjectWidget receives always the same context, actually that object which contains the object property.
class MyDispFieldsWidgetDisplay(ObjectWidget):

i cannot find the way how to tell to MyDispFieldsWidgetDisplay object which element should read from the List object property
this is my viewclass:
class DKRviewReportView(myBrowserView): - myBrowserView is almost the same as the zope BrowserView class
   fields_widget = CustomWidgetFactory(SequenceDisplayTableWidget,


Best Regards,

Iván Horváth
Chief Programmer

Alcatel NSD
PMS 2000 Product Team

H-1116, Budapest
Kondorfa u. 10.
Tel.: +36 1 209 9546
Fax.: +36 1 209 9599
Mobil: +36 30 257 0235
Check my Web Page <http://www.freeweb.hu/pillesoft>

/Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new./


/Albert Einstein/



Best Regards,

Iván Horváth
Chief Programmer

Alcatel NSD
PMS 2000 Product Team

H-1116, Budapest
Kondorfa u. 10.
Tel.: +36 1 209 9546
Fax.: +36 1 209 9599
Mobil: +36 30 257 0235
Check my Web Page <http://www.freeweb.hu/pillesoft>

/Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new./


/Albert Einstein/


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