I would like to build an application with Zope3 that does not use the ZODB at all. I want to pull my data from my own database, display it to the user and allow them to change and edit the values with forms. Is Zope the right solution for this situation? I know everyone says the ZODB is very powerful and I know forms are very easy to generate through widgets and formlibs, but I don't want to store my information via Zope. Sqlos is another solution I have heard of but I dont' want to use that either. Is it conceivable to build an application in Zope3 with an outside database and not use the ZM?

Tyson Wenger
Computer Programmer
V&L Tool,Inc.

2021 MacArthur Rd.
Waukesha, WI 53188
(262)547-1226 x178

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