On Fri, 13 Apr 2007 15:13:58 -0400, Hermann Himmelbauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Am Freitag, 13. April 2007 20:33 schrieb Kapil Thangavelu:
On Fri, 13 Apr 2007 02:36:07 -0400, Hermann Himmelbauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Am Donnerstag, 12. April 2007 17:22 schrieb Christian Theune:
>> Hi,
>> I didn't find anything in the documentation or google on this:
>> I want to define an interface like:
>> class IMySchema(zope.interface.Interface):
>>    pass
>> Later, I want to use ore.alchemist which currently is able to take a
>> SQLAlchemy table description and turn it into a new interface/schema.
> Interesting - is ore.alchemist the package developed by Kapil
> Thangalevu? If
> yes, is it working? I had the impression that the project is abandoned.

it is, and its working, its been in production since inception, has a
number of features not present in the other sa zope integrations (schema
generation, both from sa and from zope.schema, as well keyreference
support, etc). unfortunately suffers a bit in that the formlib integration is currently targetting zope2/plone, but thats contained in a separate z2
product, as well as my own lack of time to promote it or work on new
feature developmen at the moment.

Formlib integration is still something I'm struggling with. I'm currently
setting up forms (filling with data) manually via SetUpWidgets. Hopefully I
will be able to break this down on a common denominator, refactor it and
provide some "ORMFormlib" library which inherits from form.Form, we'll see...

there are lots of rabbit holes here i found, esp. as regards object widget usage for embedded relations. i got the feeling that i was one of the few people using it.. it doesn't have a display mode, and always seeks to create a new object instead of updating in place were the primary issues. the rest of the widgets work fairly well out of the box.


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