
here the following modules/components are used (from my site.zcml):
  <include package="zope.sendmail"/>
  <include package="zope.contentprovider" />
  <include package="zope.viewlet" />
  <include package="zope.app.apidoc"/>
  <include package="zope.app.onlinehelp"/>
  <include package="zope.app.preference" />
  <include package="zope.app.pythonpage"/>
  <include package="zope.app.renderer"/>
  <include package="zope.app.workflow"/>
  <include package="zope.app.authentication" />
  <include package="zope.app.boston" />
  <include package="zope.app.catalog"/>
  <include package="zope.app.intid" />
  <include package="zope.app.keyreference" />
  <include package="zope.app.pluggableauth" />
  <include package="zope.app.schema" />
  <include package="zope.app.server" />
  <include package="zope.app.session" />
  <include package="zope.app.twisted" />
  <include package="zope.app.wfmc" />
  <include package="zope.app.securitypolicy" />

  <include package="zc.resourcelibrary"/>
  <include package="zc.table"/>

  <include package="z3c.form" />
  <include package="z3checkins" />
  <include package="z3c.layer.pagelet" />
  <include package="z3c.macro" />
  <include package="z3c.pagelet" />

this would be "my vote" ...


Am Dienstag 04 September 2007 um 04:43 Uhr schrieb "Carlos de la Guardia" 
> Hi,
> the other day I commented on my blog [1] about the lack of information on
> the Zope3 wiki about popular/important libraries or modules (I wanted to say
> products but I hear that's passé). Since I brought this up, I though the
> least I could do was to create a page about this myself, but I need help,
> because I'm just a Zope 3 beginner.
> Could some of you please mention your favorite or most useful libraries for
> Zope 3? I will research some of those mentioned and create a wiki page based
> on this information.
> Thanks a lot.
> Carlos de la Guardia
> [1]
> http://blog.delaguardia.com.mx/index.php?op=ViewArticle&articleId=77&blogId=1

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