Jodok Batlogg wrote:
I have written a custom authenticator in my application to
authenticate a login against a PostgreSQL database. In the site I have
configured a PAU with a session credentials plugin and my custom
authenticator plugin.

I found out that with configuration, EVERY browser request is
triggering my custom authenticator, which means a query of the
database. I'd rather expect only the first login will send a database
request, and before one logs out, subsequent requests will no longer
be authenticated.

exactly, that's the default behavior. and it needs to be that way.
in case the credentials are beeing changed or privileges are beeing revoked there are several use cases where you can't cache.

Does the PAU have a mechanism to cache the authentication before the
user is logged out? Otherwise the authentication would be a highly
inefficient process.

you need to implement caching on your own...
just do something like:

from import RAMCache
authCache = RAMCache()

key = {'user': credentials['login'].encode('utf-8'), 'pass': credentials['password'].encode('utf-8')}
result = authCache.query(self, key=key)
if result is None:
    # perform database lookup
    authCache.set(result, self, key=key)
return result

What's with the encoding to utf-8? Coudln't you simply use unicode?

Note that you can also use sessions.

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