On 9/28/07, Frank Burkhardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You just need another browser:page here. Name it 'in-shelf-view' and
> use something like
>  <div tal:replace="structure book/@@in-shelf-view" />
> to embed it.

Thanks, that works. So all was missing is the '@@' notation to tell
TALES to look up a view for Book.

> Registering the view for different "shelves" is possible, too. But this not
> a simple view anymore - it's a "Multiview". You need an adapter for
> (book,shelve,request) to do that which means, a simple browser:page won't
> work and you'll be not able to use the object/@@view notation for that.

If not object/@@view, what then? A custom traverse to lookup the
Multiview maybe?

Hong Yuan

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