
I'm just beginning to play with zope (Zope 3.4 KSG) and zalchemy (with SA 0.4.5).

I looks like there is no default engine utility and zalchemy cannot create a session. Indeed :

queryUtility(z3c.zalchemy.interfaces.IAlchemyEngineUtility) -> None
queryUtility(z3c.zalchemy.interfaces.IAlchemyEngineUtility,name='mydb') -> ok

which gives me a "No engine utility registered" each time it tries to create a session.

When trying to run the nice demos, I have a ComponentLookupError which come from the same problem I guess.

Does anyone succeded to use zalachemy succesfully?

Also : it did not use the latest version of datamanager.py as it gives error trying to get class_state_getter.

Christophe Roguet
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