Frank Burkhardt wrote:

there's a problem with my web application. It's written in Zope 3
and makes heavy use of i18n (-> _("..."), i18n:translate, ...).

I extracted the english strings and made a german translation (language code
'de'). Whenever my browser's "most" preferred language is 'de' or 'de-de'
(example: "Accept-Language: de-de,en;q=0.5" ), everything works fine.

But when I switch to 'en','de' (example: "Accept-Language: en,de-de;q=0.5" ,
the result is unexpected. Zope returns german translations although english
strings are available (hardcoded into the application).

Is there a way to tell Zope to use the hardcoded strings, when 'en' is

Register (empty) English translations for your project, e.g. by creating an 'en/LC_MESSAGES' directory and placing an empty foo.po plus a compiled file inside (foo being your translation domain).

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