On Thu, 2008-12-18 at 13:00 -0200, Tim Cook wrote:

> This issue is such a huge frustration for me that I am offering a bounty
> of 100USD out of my personal pocket to the first person that solves the
> issue, gets it committed to a published zope.schema egg and included in
> the standard Grok distribution.
> It seems to me to be a reasonable (though not extravagant) amount since
> most of the trouble shooting has already been done.

Hi All,

I want to change the conditions of this offer.  

Over the past several days there have been too many people to mention
help me both publicly and privately with this issue in various ways.
Mostly in patience and education.   

I would like to donate this small amount to the Python Foundation in the
name of all professional Zope developers. 

Assuming no large outcry in the next few days this is where the 100
bucks will go.



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