
Chetan Kumar wrote:
> Made a mistake in posting last time. Posting again for the sake of 
> completeness:
> The problem started after installation.
> Without bothering about KGS the result of the installation is here
> http://paste.plone.org/27456 (./bin/xv-debug show errors at seen at
> the bottom)
> With KGS 3.4.0 (using buildout.cfg snippet from
> http://download.zope.org/zope3.4/3.4.0/versions.cfg) the situation is
> different http://paste.plone.org/27457
> Here I cannot "from zope.viewlet.interfaces import IviewletManager".
> This is because  zope.viewlet-3.4.2-py2.5.egg and
> zope.contentprovider-3.4.0-py2.5.egg are missing from
> bin/xv_kgs-debug. If I add these manually I get over the problem. This
> is not the way it should be.
> These eggs are listed in the buildout.cfg file
> http://paste.plone.org/27458 as these were copied from the
> buildout.cfg snippet
> The list of eggs in the buildout.cfg and those in the bin/paster and
> its friends have to be same as this is generated by buildout.
> Cheers

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