Hi Jonathan,

I arbitrarily deem this to be a [EMAIL PROTECTED] rather than a
[EMAIL PROTECTED] question, so I'll move it there :-)

Jonathan Desp, who wants to upload a lot of files into Zope, wrote:
> someone said me to use load site, but there is a bug with this program.

What is the bug in loadsite that is stopping you from using it?

You have a couple of options here we haven't explored yet:

  1: Fix the bug in loadsite yourself.
  2: Describe the bug in sufficient detail that someone else
     feels moved to spend time fixing it.

> Anyone know another way to upload 900 files in one shot ?

What kind of files are they? What do you want to do with them once
they're in Zope?

Is uploading these files a recurring need you have, or is it a one-off?

Steve Alexander
Software Engineer
Cat-Box limited

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