Fernando Martins wrote:
I'm using LocalFS 1.7rc? and Zope 2.8.? in a Suse system. More importantly
for this case, zope is behind Apache 1.39 with module NTLM,

What are you using to do NTLM?

through FastCGI,

Why on earth would you inflict this on yourself? ;-)

When I access a file in a LocalFS folder I get the following info, instead
of the pdf file (in this case):

<open file '/work/docs/MyFile.PDF', mode 'rb' at 0x42310974>.

What's the code and urls you're using to access this?

The LocalFS folder accessed in the past through Apache+mod_rewrite without
NTLM+RemoteUserFolder used to work fine.


So, the combination Apache+NTLM+FastCGI+RemoteUserFolder with LocalFS isn't
working well.

My guess would be RemoteUserFolder is the cuplrit. What is this RemoteUserFolder and where did you get it from?



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