Ricardo Newbery wrote at 2008-1-29 22:56 -0800:
> ...
>Another related question.  With respect to conflict resolution, is is  
>safe to assume that products (with _p_resolveConflict methods) in the  
>main Zope products directory are already available to the ZEO server  
>without any special configuration?

Usually -- but of course not always.

If you use and start ZEO from a Zope installation,
then "lib/python" needs to be on "PYTHONPATH" such that
ZEO finds its code and supporting packages.
Then the content of "lib/python/Products" can be used
normally as package "Products". There is no magic needed for this.

Of course, you can start ZEO from a non Zope installation (e.g.
from a standalone ZEO installation) and then Zope's "Products"
will be unavailable....

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