I agree it is hard to imagine, but I am just the web guy... 

If I dare to guess, I would say that what they want to do is improve access to 
the information for the users. The two million objects are strongly 
interlinked, so this is the navigation system used up to now. But why not open 
it up to browsing?

For the content team, it might also be nice to use the ZMI or similar when 
working with this content.

We have not been successful to create a Catalog of this many objects. The 
process seemed to time out after many hours, probably hardware-bound. Also, the 
size of the resulting ZODB is of concern, but we may try again with the Catalog 
on a mounted database.

My general question remains: Is there a way to address the objects contained in 
a BTreeFolder2 using something like an 'offset' or other identifier? Has anyone 
found a strategy that scales better than getBatchObjectListing?



--- On Mon, 11/2/09, Andreas Jung <li...@zopyx.com> wrote:

From: Andreas Jung <li...@zopyx.com>
Subject: Re: [Zope] Large BTreeFolder2 batching/pagination
To: "Ken Ara" <feedrea...@yahoo.com>
Cc: zope@zope.org
Date: Monday, November 2, 2009, 6:23 AM

What kind of practical sense does it make to batch 400k objects? I can no 
imagine single usecase where one
would be interested in walking through such an amount of objects manually. 
Better organize your data in a more

handy way or implement some search logic for bringing the batch size to a 
number of relevant object.s


On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 00:04, Ken Ara <feedrea...@yahoo.com> wrote:

Under our setup, beyond 300-400,000 contained objects, the batching provided by 
getBatchObjectListing becomes unusable. I've seen this problem mentioned 
somewhere but never any hint of a solution.

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