currently i'm running a single zope2 process with relstorage as storage backend. to improve performance for our end users i'd like to fire up a 2nd zope2 process that will handle all internal background processes and db packing.
for simplicity's sake i'd like to share the instance_home directory between these two processes, just use a different config file to enter a different http port for each server. no how can i run 2 zope processes from the same instance home with 2 different config files? modifying $INSTANCE_HOME/zopectl to include a different config file name does not work, as it's also contained in $INSTANCE_HOME/runzope. renaming/modifying runzope does not work either, as it's name is hardcoded somewhere in zopectl. thanks in advance and best regards, jürgen herrmann -- >> - eXperts in Linux hosting ® << GmbH Jürgen Herrmann, Geschäftsführer Boelckestrasse 21, 93051 Regensburg, Germany Geschäftsführer: Volker Geith, Jürgen Herrmann Registriert unter: HRB9918 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer: DE245931218 Fon: +49 (0)800 XLHOSTDE [0800 95467833] Fax: +49 (0)800 95467830 WEB: IRC: _______________________________________________ Zope maillist - ** No cross posts or HTML encoding! ** (Related lists - )