Also installing Products.ZSQLMethods upgrade zope products to version 4

>pip install Products.ZSQLMethods

Installing collected packages: Products.ZSQLMethods, zope.pagetemplate,
zope.browserpage, AuthEncoding, zExceptions, AccessControl,

  Found existing installation: zope.pagetemplate 3.5.2
    Uninstalling zope.pagetemplate-3.5.2:
      Successfully uninstalled zope.pagetemplate-3.5.2
  Found existing installation: zope.browserpage 3.12.2
    Uninstalling zope.browserpage-3.12.2:
      Successfully uninstalled zope.browserpage-3.12.2
  Found existing installation: zExceptions 2.13.0
    Uninstalling zExceptions-2.13.0:
      Successfully uninstalled zExceptions-2.13.0
  Found existing installation: AccessControl 2.13.14
    Uninstalling AccessControl-2.13.14:
      Successfully uninstalled AccessControl-2.13.14
  Found existing installation: zope.browserresource 3.10.3
    Uninstalling zope.browserresource-3.10.3:
      Successfully uninstalled zope.browserresource-3.10.3

Successfully installed AccessControl-4.0a3 AuthEncoding-4.0.0
Products.ZSQLMethods-2.13.4 zExceptions-3.4 zope.browserpage-4.1.0
zope.browserresource-4.1.0 zope.pagetemplate-4.2.1

>pip list

AccessControl (4.0a3) **
Acquisition (2.13.9)
AuthEncoding (4.0.0) **
BTrees (4.3.1)
Chameleon (2.25)
DateTime (2.12.8)
DocumentTemplate (2.13.2)
docutils (0.12)
ExtensionClass (2.13.2)
five.globalrequest (1.0)
initgroups (2.13.0)
Jinja2 (2.8)
MarkupSafe (0.23)
mechanize (0.2.5)
Missing (2.13.1)
mr.developer (1.34)
MultiMapping (2.13.0)
Paste (
PasteDeploy (1.3.4)
PasteScript (1.7.5)
Persistence (2.13.2)
persistent (4.2.1)
pip (8.1.2)
Products.BTreeFolder2 (2.13.5)
Products.ExternalMethod (2.13.1)
Products.MailHost (2.13.2)
Products.MIMETools (2.13.0)
Products.OFSP (2.13.2)
Products.PythonScripts (2.13.2)
Products.StandardCacheManagers (2.13.1)
Products.ZCatalog (2.13.27)
Products.ZCTextIndex (2.13.5)
Products.ZSQLMethods (2.13.4)
Pygments (2.1.2)
pytz (2015.7)
Record (2.13.0)
repoze.retry (1.2)
repoze.tm2 (1.0)
repoze.who (2.0)
RestrictedPython (3.6.0)
setuptools (20.2.2)
six (1.10.0)
sourcecodegen (0.6.14)
Sphinx (1.0.8)
tempstorage (2.12.2)
transaction (1.1.1)
waitress (1.0.0)
wheel (0.30.0a0)
z3c.checkversions (0.5) (3.0)
zc.buildout (2.3.1)
zc.lockfile (1.0.2)
zc.recipe.egg (2.0.3)
zc.recipe.testrunner (1.2.1)
ZConfig (2.9.3)
zdaemon (2.0.7)
zExceptions (3.4) **
zLOG (2.11.2)
ZODB (5.0.0)
ZODB3 (3.10.5)
zodbpickle (0.6.0)
zope.annotation (3.5.0)
zope.broken (3.6.0)
zope.browser (1.3)
zope.browsermenu (3.9.1)
zope.browserpage (4.1.0) **
zope.browserresource (4.1.0) **
zope.component (3.9.5)
zope.configuration (3.7.4)
zope.container (3.11.2)
zope.contentprovider (3.7.2)
zope.contenttype (3.5.5)
zope.deferredimport (3.5.3)
zope.dottedname (3.4.6)
zope.event (3.5.2)
zope.exceptions (3.6.2)
zope.filerepresentation (3.6.1)
zope.globalrequest (1.2)
zope.i18n (3.7.4)
zope.i18nmessageid (3.5.3)
zope.interface (3.6.7)
zope.lifecycleevent (3.6.2)
zope.location (3.9.1)
zope.pagetemplate (4.2.1) **
zope.processlifetime (1.0)
zope.proxy (3.6.1)
zope.ptresource (3.9.0)
zope.publisher (3.12.6)
zope.schema (3.7.1) (3.7.4)
zope.sendmail (3.7.5)
zope.sequencesort (3.4.0) (3.9.2)
zope.size (3.4.1)
zope.structuredtext (3.5.1)
zope.tal (3.5.2)
zope.tales (3.5.3)
zope.testbrowser (3.11.1)
zope.testing (3.9.7)
zope.traversing (3.13.2)
zope.viewlet (3.7.2)
Zope2 (4.0a2)
ZopeUndo (2.12.0)

I dont know this affect,
Zope maillist  -
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