
I would like to explore alternative to Elixir/Phoenix and Python/Django to 
develop CRUD admin interfaces.

My goal is to:
- Render a data table which displays all the records of a specific Resource 
- Render links to RUD actions for each record
- Render forms to CRU the Resource Category

Before starting getting my hands dirty with Zotonic,
I am asking if such a thing is possible (I believe so).

For example, let's say my resource category is a Material, that has a color 
and a name.
Can the Material be presented in the Zotonic admin interface as if it is 
NOT a page?
Or must everything be a page?
That is my only concern, IIUC Zotonic is specific for blogs?

I am sorry for the silly questions, I would accept a RTFM as an answer.

Kind Regards,


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