On 26/07/2013 07:39, "Michael Schroeder" <m...@suse.de> wrote:

>On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 10:30:15PM +0000, Nashif, Anas wrote:
>> when using patches, how can one add packages to be installed on the
>>system (that were not installed before) or remove packages?
>> I understand this can be done in packages directly by either adding
>>dependencies to other packages or obsoleting package, but is there some
>>other way to do it?
>Dependency wise, patches are just solvables, so they can contain requires
>and conflicts. But patches are generated from the data in updateinfo.xml,
>and that therefore can only update installed packages.

aha, so is it a limitation in the updateinfo.xml? Where can you add
requires and conflicts to a patch otherwise?

>(You can somewhat do removals of packages by having packages in
>that do not exist in the repository. But that is a hack.)

I see.


>  Michael.
>Michael Schroeder                                   m...@suse.de
>SUSE LINUX Products GmbH,  GF Jeff Hawn, HRB 16746 AG Nuernberg

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