On Friday 10 October 2014 08:56:41 Lukas Ocilka wrote:
> Yast "didn't" know it was possible so it doesn't support more repos in
> one config file, I'm afraid.
> Reading the files during upgrade is the only use case Yast needs to do.
> In all other cases, we can use libzypp.

Why can't you use libzypp here? Can't e.g yast-pkgbindings offer something 
#include <iostream>
#include <zypp/RepoManager.h>

int main( int argc, const char * argv[] )
  --argc, ++argv;
  using namespace zypp;
  Pathname root( argc ? argv[0] : "/" );
  RepoManager repoManager(( RepoManagerOptions(root) ));
  for_( it, repoManager.repoBegin(), repoManager.repoEnd() )
    std::cout << *it << std::endl;
  return 0;


    Michael Andres

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