> Also, someone in the u.k. has been reading the "top secret" docs...
> http://business.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,13129-2560841,00.html

and so it spreads...



Lilly's claims that the documents are incomplete are irrelevant. In 
another recent 1st Amendment battle U.S. Magistrate Judge James C. 
Francis IV writes 

"The mere fact that a given document does not provide the reader with a 
full picture does not make it unreliable," he wrote. "Additionally, the 
city gives the general public very little credit when it contends that 
readers will be unable to grasp that the information contained in these 
documents might be incomplete or inaccurate."

> http://collections.plos.org/plosmedicine/diseasemongering-2006.php
> PLoS is an Open Access journal... free culture meets psych rights once again.
> - Fletch
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