Thanks. I'll give that a try.

On 3/5/19, 4:43 PM, "William Brown" <> wrote:

    > On 6 Mar 2019, at 10:30, Jason Jenkins <> wrote:
    > Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.5
    > RedHat Directory Server ver:
    > We are in the process of upgrading the OS and Directory Server by adding 
new hosts to the cluster and decommissioning the older hosts. Before we could 
even start that, One of the multi-master nodes failed. We've gone through 
replicating to the failed node and to an upgraded host. We get the "Skipping 
entry" warnings resulting in dropped entries.
    Thanks. I asked about the version because I seem to remember (but don’t 
quote me on this), hearing about this issue being solved somewhere in the 1.3.x 
series, probably about 1.3.6ish at a guess.
    If I recall, it comes about because the entries are sent in “entryid 
order”, but if you had:
    ou=foo,dc=bar (entry id 1)
    ou=baz,dc=bar (entry id 2)
    Then you modrdn these such as:
    ou=foo,ou=baz,dc=bar is “id 1” so is sent first, but it’s parent ou=baz 
hasn’t been sent yet.
    First step in any situation like this: take back ups of the good remaining 
server :) db2bak and db2ldif -r if possible.
    After that, I’d say to restore the other host, load the ldif from the good 
master you created with “db2ldif -r”, with “ldif2db”, and see if replication is 
able to start from there.
    If not, we’ll have to investigate further.
    Hope this helps
    William Brown
    Software Engineer, 389 Directory Server
    SUSE Labs
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