
I am trying to setup a mutual based TLS authenticated 389-DS LDAP server, where 
the client and the server will perform certificate based authentication.
This should be test system and not a production system.

I have a Windows CA signed on the LDAP server certificate and the client 
certificate (.p12). The server has its the CA root and its own cert loaded:
[root@ldap2sit slapd-ldap2sit]# certutil -K -d .
certutil: Checking token "NSS Certificate DB" in slot "NSS User Private Key and 
Certificate Services"
< 0> rsa      90f72656c6c26fad75fbc5787105197301d76bab   Server-Cert
[root@ldap2sit slapd-ldap2sit]#
[root@ldap2sit slapd-ldap2sit]#
[root@ldap2sit slapd-ldap2sit]# certutil -L -d .

Certificate Nickname                                         Trust Attributes

Server-Cert                                                  u,u,u
ca_cert                                                      C,,

I have a client defined in the LDAP:
uid=a47886b9fffc , cn=a47886b9fffc , o=Avaya , l=Holon, mail=eshmu...@avaya.com

The certificate I have on the client is:
Issued to: a47886b9fffc
Issued by: sititcdc  (which is the same CA signed the server certificate and 
its root in loaded to the server)
Issuer: cn=sititcdc,dc=sititc,dc=dom
Subject: e=eshmu...@avaya.com, cn=a47886b9fffc, ou=SIT, o=Avaya, L=Holon, 
S=Israel, C=IL

My /etc/dirsrv/ldap2sit/certmap.conf:
certmap ldap2sit        o=Avaya,l=Holon
ldap2sit:FilterComps    cn
ldap2sit:verifycert     on

When trying connecting I get connection failure with with following entries in 
[02/Apr/2019:20:33:11.096582067 +0300] conn=5 fd=64 slot=64 SSL connection from to
[02/Apr/2019:20:33:11.139068683 +0300] conn=5 Netscape Portable Runtime error 
-8172 (Peer's certificate issuer has been marked as not trusted by the user.); 
unauthenticated client 
issuer CN=sititcdc,DC=sititc,DC=dom
[02/Apr/2019:20:33:11.139131964 +0300] conn=5 op=-1 fd=64 closed - Peer's 
certificate issuer has been marked as not trusted by the user.

In wireshark trace I see the server is closing the TCP/TLS connection with 
alert (Level: Fatal, Description: Unknown CA)

Can you tell me what I am doing wrong here?

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