On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 3:38 PM, <driv...@0xabadba.be> wrote:
> Thats good to hear HG is working well, I am really hoping for git
> as it is hosting my current repo of works.  If git does not exist
> and there is no plan to do it in the future I can migrate over my
> stuff (i'd prefer to do actual new work than porting VCS!).
> Thanks for the replies thus far.

If the hg is new enough that it comes with the bookmarks
extension, then you can install a separate extension
that will make it handle git too.  I have been using hg to
manipulate git repositories and find it far more pleasant
than using git directly.


The code at the second URL, which is a newer fork
of the first URL's code, makes it almost transparent:

  hg clone git://asdfkjasdfadsf
  hg commit
  hg push
  hg pull -u

They all just work.


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