On 9/2/18, Skip Tavakkolian <skip.tavakkol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Have you considered using AoE (Coraid)? It would require dedicated fossil,
> NFS CIFS servers, but they'd all be sharing the storage -- Coraid supports
> ext4 and NTFS. Most servers have multiple NICs, which makes a dedicated LAN
> for AoE traffic easy.
I have, many times, Skip.

I was told once or twice that is money is the only obstacle between me
and success, then there is no obstacle at all, but my ability to grow
debt or at least keep it at the permanent level my bank tolerates from
me, is at least one factor against having any Coraid kit in my space.

I think that is the greatest regret I have, by far. Coraid kit should
be listed as a non-negotiable human right.


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