On Sat, Jul 07, 2001 at 12:11:11AM +0100, Jack Campin wrote:
| >(I have been tempted to translate abc[m]2ps to  perl,  just  for  the
| >yuks,  and  for  extra  portability.   Then  it  wouldn't  have to be
| >compiled.  But I  bet  I'd  get  flamed  because  perl  doesn't  come
| >pre-installed on all possible computer systems.  ;-)
| Wouldn't the most portable language for it be PostScript itself?

I once found a web server written in Postscript.  It was started
mainly as an academic challenge and a bet.  Since postcript doesn't
have socket or file access a C wrapper is used to implement HTTP and
pass the data bewteen ghostscript (the interpreter) and the socket.

Personally Python is my favorite language :-).


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