On Tue, 1 Jul 2003, Phil Taylor wrote:

> Over the past year or so, this group has become
> dominated by discussion of abcm2ps;

Probably because it is the best and least "limited" ABC
implementation around: it implements an extensive set
of features, is actively developed, runs on all
computer platforms that we use and gives excellent
ouput quality!

> So, if we are going to hand over the development of
> the standard to one person,

No one suggested that just 1 person should do all of
the work.

> He is going to be familiar with programs which do
> fast onscreen display of abc music, programs which
> play abc, programs which do musical analysis or use
> abc for archival or database purposes etc.

Phil, this are all implementation specific issues which
a standard should not address. As you indicated
yourself, ABC is just an *abstract* computer
representation of a computer score; all that the
standard should do is to define this representation in
an abstract way. Whether the *concrete* ABC files are
to be played, displayed, printed or analyzed is up to
the end user. What the internal data format of the
handling program should be, is up to the software
developer and depends on the task at hand.

As several software developers already indicated, no
major software package will consider to import or
export ABC unless there exists a clear, well-defined
and uptodate ABC standard. As such, I think we are by
far better off with a possibly sub-optimal standard
than with no standard at all!

No standard can make all users or developers happy at
the same time; no one can oblige all software
developers to implement the standard.

All we can do as an user group is to define a clear
standard for those users and developers that feel a
need for it and are willing to comply. To make sure
that this will work out, we need a couple of "leaders"
who make the final decisions based on input from this
e-mail group. As I already stated, possibly sub-optimal
decisions are better than no decisions at all!

So, Jef and Guido, what do you think? Are you willing
to discuss your ideas with us?

 Irwin Oppenheim
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