Wil wrote-

 >On repeating the second section, you need to know how far to go
 >back, so you need to know where the user thought the second
 >repeat ended. Sometimes it's impossible to tell for sure, but in
 >this case you can probably safely assume the double barline
 >ended the first part.

If what follows the first repeat is also to be repeated, there needs to be a |: sign. 
Otherwise it's just bad abc.

Often, a tune has the form:

|: seven bars |1 first ending :|2 second ending | sixteen unrepeated bars |]

There is no need here for a terminator to the 2nd ending.

    ______      /\/\/\/\
   <______>     | | | | |  David Barnert
   <______>     | | | | |  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   <______>     | | | | |  Albany, NY
   <______>     \/\/\/\/

  Ventilator   Concertina
    Bellows      Bellows
  (Vocation)   (Avocation)

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