On 16 Mar 2004, at 20:50, Steven Bennett wrote:

Steven Bennett writes:
| It was an outrageous example on purpose. It's *definitely* not legal ABC
| 2.0, but the definition I was hearing implied that it would be legal ABC
| 1.*. Which I didn't think it *ought* to be. Which is why I offered my own
| definition of what the actual 1.* behavior ought to be.
| That said, the following is perfectly legal in ABC 2.0, by the definition
| currently in the August draft spec:
| X:1
| T:some made up tune
| M:4/4
| K:Dminor
| abcd|efga|[K:\
| G][M:3/4]def|gab|
| It's just not legal in ABC 1.*. IMHO.

Well, I'd agree that it's legal ABC 2.0, but I'd also claim  that  it
should  work under the earlier standards.  I don't see any reasonable
way that a parser would classify the last line as anything other than
"music",  which  is  the same type as the continued line.  It's not a
"header" line, because it doesn't have a ':' in column 2.  It doesn't
start with '%'.  What else could it be except music?

The problem I have with considering that as legal, is that it could just as
easily have been written like this:

T:some made up tune

If the one is legal in 1.*, the other should be. But this second one is a
whole lot more ambiguous for a parser. It's just as well if we avoid the
problem by treating *both* as illegal in 1.*, since it's unlikely anyone
would actually want to use either form. And by doing so, you drastically
simplify the parsing process. (Okay... You drastically simplify *my*
parsing process. <grin> Someone using a different approach might find what
you are suggesting easier to deal with...)

Certainly if the one is legal then the other should be too. However, I suspect that neither is legal, since inline fields were not legal in 1.x. (Well they weren't legal in 1.6. I didn't pay too much attention to 1.7 since it was such a mess.)

I think the "tune" would have to have been written like this:

T:some made up tune

(That used to be the main reason for using continuations, so you could place fields in the middle of a line, while still writing the field definition on a line to itself.)

Phil Taylor

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