On 28 Apr 2004, at 01:52, John Norvell wrote:

Perhaps this is a good time to bring up the idea of a central set of parser "test cases" and "test case fragments". In the past a number of list members have mentioned the desire to have a corporate body of test cases that could be used during testing and development of abc parsers. Perhaps this open source project could be a forum to officially start collecting those test cases.

I have a collection of tunes in graded levels of difficulty, which I use for this purpose. It covers only abc 1.6, but that's where you want to start anyway. It's at <http://www.barfly.dial.pipex.com/testsuite1.6.abc> and you are welcome to use it.

Hmm, I hope that file name with two full stops doesn't cause problems. It works OK for me.

Phil Taylor

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