Yes, G7 is geared towards guitar and costs around $100.00 here. The full-blown version of Sibelius is around $600.00 here, I think, but they offer 50% off for music educators. I am SO thankful I didn't go for the full-blown version!

Seems ridiculous to charge that much more for something that you download off of the web! And even shipping a CD and manual can't be that much more can it? No wonder so many of you in the UK are developing your own software!

Then I don't know where you got your Sibelius from. The current UK price is 599 pounds, around $1100: or with discounts of around 25% is the best you can find.

Or is the "G7" some sort of cut down version which I've not heard of?

Any chance you or a representative will be at Winter NAMM in Anaheim this year?

That's too bad. NAMM is an amazing event ... Toyland for musicians!

No, sorry. A 2-person family operation precludes overseas shows.

BTW I did try to download your eval. version but it seemed to crash half-way through. I'm not sure if that was a problem on your end or ours. I will try again later.

thanks for all your help!

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