Em 2 Dec 2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: 

>hi there, 

Hi, Z. Vassilios. 

>i've just subscribed and i would like to ask e couple of questions. 
>1. how do i specify an instrument to be used when converting abc to midi? 

With a command like this after a V: field: 

%%MIDI program 23 

But you will need a list of the instrument numbers. I think that de abc 2.0 
draft contains a such list. 

Also get a look at the Gonzato's manual: 


>2. i threw an eye on the abc 2.0 specs. is it a standard already or 
>just a draft? 

It's a draft, but it includes some features already implemented in some ABC 
programs. Read the documentation for the software you are using. 

>thank you all, 

Hudson Lacerda 

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