[Use a wide window for this, it does make sense in a fixed-width font.]

The following is a right mess in Barfly, both on playback and display:

T:Oh Callar Spirlings (variation 4)
C:Domenico Corri
K:D Minor
[V:1][L:1/16] A2|(6d^cd`ABc   (6dag``fed  (6^cde``ABc       |(6d^cf`efe  
(6a^gad'^c'd' f'2           z2           |\
                 (6c=Bc`ede   (6g^fg`c'=bc'  d'2  z2        |(6d^cd`A=Bc 
(6dag`fed    (6cde``````````ABc          |
[V:2][L:1/8]  z | [DF]`[DF]    [DF]`[DF]    [AEG][A,EG]     | [D2F2]      z2    
      z            (3G,/A,/=B,/   |\
                  [C2E2]        z2           z  (3A,/=B,/^C/|  D```[DF]  
[DF][DF]    [A,EG]`````````[A,EG]        |
[V:1][L:1/16] A2|(6d^cd`ABc   (6dag``fed  (6^cde``ABc       |(6d^cf`efe  
(6a^gad'^c'd' f'2           z2           |\
                 (6bab``d'c'b (6agf``efg  (6 fed`^cde       |(6dfa``fad'   d4   
                     z2          ||
[V:2][L:1/8]  z |  D```[DF]    [DF]`[DF]    [AEG][A,EG]     | [D2F2]       z2   
       z           (3G,/A,/=B,/   |\
                   G,2          A,2          A,,2           |  D,2              
     (6D,,/F,,/A,/D,/A,,/F,,/ D,,||

The only real change I've made to the score (one of a set of harpsichord
variations from 1780) is to use two treble staves instead of treble and
bass - BarFly doesn't do clef changes in mid-voice.  Apart from the weird-
looking finish, that doesn't matter.  What does matter is what BarFly does
to the tuplets.  Written as above, they are beamed correctly as Corri wrote
them - double beams.  But the playback reads them as half the length they
should be, and the staff display gets horribly confused about what length
the bars in the left-hand voice ought to be and how the voices should align.

I think I've asked Phil about this in a different context before, and he
said the ABC standard insisted on beaming tuplets with one less beam than
the standard practice (i.e. sextuplet semiquavers as here would be beamed
as quavers).  Obviously I can't hand a score printed that way to a pianist
and expect her to make sense of it, and there is simply no workaround to
get something that both plays and sounds right without using a pen to add
beams.  Does any other ABC application beam tuplets in the conventionally
expected way?  And can we fix the standard to mandate double beams and a
correct reading of the note lengths in this situation in future?  It can't
affect very much music in the existing ABC corpus.

Minor bug: the spacer characters between the chords don't work right.

Jack Campin: 11 Third Street, Newtongrange, Midlothian EH22 4PU; 0131 6604760
<http://www.purr.demon.co.uk/jack>     *     food intolerance data & recipes,
Mac logic fonts, Scots traditional music files, and my CD-ROM "Embro, Embro".
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