I see myself as auser who has worked about nearly 40 years with computers in a 
middle position.

I think it very important to have someone who strongly insist on removing bugs 
and poiting out usability problems, especially when there are usabillity-
tests. Thank you Thomas for that.

On the other hand, I think it is not unusual, that normal user always have 
problems with software they don't are used to. See the reaction to W8 and the 
surface-tablet. I often see people using W7, who are completly helpless with 
it, when they should to something which is slightly different. 

Or see the story of activities in KDE. Without releasing the early versions we 
would not be where we are. And still people with computer-experience don't 
understand activities, because they are so avanced. 

I think, with a little help (by way of a FAQ or something like that), normal 
people will fast get used to working with PA.

The greatest problem for me is, that it comes not preinstalled on a tablet. 
Only a few people like me still have a wetab, which is not altered anymore, so 
one has a stable basis. The problems which exists to get it running on a Nexus 
7 are for me a much  bigger obstacle to getting more people using PA then the 
things which have to be polished, corrected or added. 

I am happy, that PA4 is now out. Thank you all.

Wolfgang Romey

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