Michael Ludwig schrieb am 07.01.2012 um 21:04 (+0100):

> How do you save a file with a Chinese or other name requiring
> Unicode using Active Perl?

> my $chars = 'Катюша'; # say length $chars;
> my $count = 0;
> for ( '', qw/UTF-16 UTF-16BE UTF-16LE UTF-8/ ) {
>         say 'encoding: ', $_;
>         my $n1 = $chars . '.' . ++$count . '.txt';
>         my $n2 = $_ ? encode( $_, $n1 ) : $n1;
>         if ( open my $fh, '>:encoding(UTF-16)', $n2 ) {

None of these approaches using open() will work correctly with
ActiveState Perl.

What will work is the method detailed here:

How do I create a Unicode directory on Windows using Perl?
http://stackoverflow.com/a/2185032 - Feb 2 '10 - Sinan Ünür

To summarize: use Win32.pm or Win32::API.

use utf8;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Win32;

# chcp 65001
# binmode STDOUT, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
# binmode STDERR, ':encoding(UTF-8)';

for ( qw/ Волгогра́д москва / ) {
    Win32::CreateDirectory( $_ ) or warn "CreateDirectory $_: $^E";

So use one of those modules for ActiveState Perl
and just straight open() for Cygwin.


> Cygwin perl 5.10.1, by the way, displayed no errors and got it right:
>   07.01.2012  20:51                16 Катюша.1.txt

>   07.01.2012  20:51                16 Катюша.5.txt
> You can feed either a character string or a UTF-8 octet string to this
> Cygwin perl.exe open() and it creates the proper filename, proving
> that it's not technically impossible. :)
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