Cosmodelia wrote:
 b) more importantly, I think that making the program musically interact with humans, would be a big help in helping the system *emotionally* understand humans ... which is important for the system's long-term Friendliness toward humans 
 IMHO this is the core of your post and this topic. It is also true in the complementary way: human beings developing a long-term Friendliness toward IAs, exploring together a deep relationship between the artificial and the human intelligences, and the universe as ever-growing Creatrix. 
I guess we can look at AI Friendliness as having 2 components:
1) AI's having a deep understanding of humanity
2) AI's having positive goals as regards humanity
One question is whether 1 is necessary or not.  Could an AI with positive goals consistently "do the right thing" for humans without a deep understanding of them?
I suspect that 1 is necessary, or at least very valuable.  Tough decisions about humans are going to come up, and understanding will be very valuable.
Hence, deep understanding of humans will be very valuable.  And music and art provide an important means for AI's to achieve this.
After all, AI's can't fall in love, or feel human sadness, etc.  But they can listen to human music inspired by these experiences, and they can improvise music together with humans who are playing their instruments in such a way as to evoke the essence of these human experiences...
I think this would be a really nifty aspect of AGI teaching/training ;-)   Hopefully as the Novamente project unfolds, some computer music programmers will emerge to write some Novamente musical interfacing software for us!!!
-- Ben

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