
I grant you your points, but they miss the my point. Where is this
ultimately leading - to a superpower with the ability to kill its opponents
without any risk to itself. This may be GREAT so long as you agree with and
live under that superpower, but how about when things change for the worse?
What if we get another Bush who lies to congress and wages unprovoked war
with other nations, only next time with vast armies of robots ala *The Clone
Wars*? Sure the kill rate will be almost perfect. Sure we can more
accurately kill their heads of government without killing so many civilians
along the way.

How about when you flee future U.S. tyranny, and your new destination
becomes valued by the U.S. enough to send a bunch of robots in to seize it.
Your last thought could be of the U.S. robot that is killing YOU. Oops, too
late to reconsider where this is all going.

Note in passing that our standard of living has been gradually declining as
the wealth of the world is concentrated into fewer and fewer hands. Note in
passing that the unemployment situation is looking bleaker and bleaker, with
no prospect for improvement in sight. Do you REALLY want to concentrate SO
much power in the hands of SUCH a dysfunctional government? If this doesn't
work out well, what would be the options for improvement? This appears to be
a one-way street with no exit.

On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 7:55 AM, Mike Tintner <>wrote:

>  Steve:How about an international ban on the deployment of all unmanned
> and automated weapons?
> You might as well ask for a ban on war (or, perhaps, aggression). I
> strongly recommend reading the SciAm July 2010 issue on robotic warfare. The
> US already operates from memory somewhere between 13,000 and 20,000 unmanned
> weapons. "Unmanned war" (obviously with some but ever less human
> supervision)  IS the future of war.
> If you used a little lateral thinking, you'd realise that this may well be
> a v.g. thing - let robots kill each other rather than humans - whoever's
> robots win, wins the war. It would be interesting to compare Afghan./Vietnam
> - I imagine the kill count is considerably down (but correct me) - *because*
> of superior, more automated technology.
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