Ben Goertzel wrote:
> you really test my tolerance as list moderator.

My appologies. 

> Please, please, no personal insults.  And no anti-Semitism or racism of 
> any kind.


> I guess that your reference to Eliezer as "the rabbi" may have been 
> meant as amusing,

It is not at all amusing, nor was it intended to be. I have chosen to
refer to him as the rabbi in all contexts for the purpose of drawing
attention to the cultish nature of the singularity institute for
artificial intelligence. I also tend to refer to his friendly AI as
Yahweh for the same reason. 

I stand by my usage by the definition of the term: 

... "A jew qualified to expound and apply the halakah and other jewish

Lets update it: 

        A [place preferred appellation here] qualified to expound and apply the
theory of friendliness and other moral codes [to AGI]. 

It fits almost perfectly. The other two parts of the definition work
very well when applied to him and his sheepish following. 

> but as a person of Jewish descent who experienced plenty of
> anti-Semitism in his youth, I didn't find it all that hilarious, 
> really...

I wasn't aware. I should not say anything else on this subject.

> If you don't find a certain list thread interesting, by all means use 
> your DELETE key.  I've found this thread on AIXI reasonably 
> stimulating, personally.

I did too. I just find his very verbose and low-density writing style
annoying. The other part of the thread is how everyone uses the
terminology of morality -- A concept that only exists in a
puritanical/fundamentalist religeous context. It is utterly meaningless
in any other context. 

The idea of goals is not so abhorant but still has the fundamental flaw
of not being applicable to general intelligence in any meaningful way.
The entire approach that it suggests is that it focuses only on one tiny
subsystem of human cognitive function and neglects the vast aparatus
which orchistrates our behavior. I have been thinking about writing a
post to discuss and promote an engineering approach to AGI... =\

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