> Hmmm.  I think the critical problem is neither processing speed, NOR
> software engineering per se -- it's having a "mind design" that's correct in
> all the details.
> Or is that what you meant by "software engineering"?  To me, software
> engineering is about HOW you build it, not about WHAT you build in a
> mathematical/conceptual sense.

That is what I meant, yes.  The WHAT that you build.  The HOW isn't so much important 
except in that it's efficient enough to get the job done and doesn't leave the authors 

I guess my point is that if you take as a thought experiment the idea that on waking 
up tomorrow and we found all of our cpu's magically running at 10x the speed (memory 
10x, etc), we wouldn't be that much closer to an AGI because we're still working on 
what to do with the power.  

However, with your experience at webmind you would know better than I how cpu limits 
constrain AGI design.

> And cheaper computers let individuals in less wealthy nations get online and
> start computing, which adds more brainpower to the mix...
> -- Ben G

An excellent, and rarely stated point.

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