Unless Ben thinks it would not be appropriate for this list, I would like to start a "doubling time" watcher monthly posting of retail computer prices for purposes of establishing a historical record so that questions of doubling time can be grounded in current data. 
 My choice of category is "most bang for the buck" complete system from a major retailer or manufacturer.  Usually this will be their lowest priced system, as upgrades generally cost more than the differential computational value they add.  Anyone that would like to post a different category, well, you can never have too much data.
My selection for "most bang for the buck" category for 2/18/03 is:
Dell Dimension 2350 Series
Processor:  Celeron  1.7  GHz
Memory:  128  MB
Hard Drive:  60  GB
Monitor:  15  inch
CD:      48  speed
Floppy drive:  Y
Keyboard:   Y
Mouse:   Y
Graphics Card:   Extreme 3D Graphics
OS:   Windows XP (HOME)
Speakers:  Y
Sound card:  Y
Ethernet:  Y
Modem:  Y
Software:  WordPerfect, Quicken.
Price:   $399
I might get one of these for my wife so she will stay off mine.  We are a poor one computer family.
Mike Deering.
www.SingularityActionGroup.com    <---new website.

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