The total number of particles in the whole universe is usually
estimated to be around 10^80.  These guys claim that the storage
of the brain is 10^8432 bits.  That means that my brain has around
10^8352 bits of storage for every particle in the whole universe.

I thought I was feeling smarter than usual this morning!

Possible explanations:

1) The quote to totally wrong the the "^" should be a "," ?

2) They got confused and thought it was 1 April

3) They are actually doing research into just how flaky AI
   researchers really are and how easy it is to publish
   mathematical nonsense in "Mind and Brain" Journal

4) The "scientists" somehow managed to get their PhDs without
   understanding how numbers work

5) They concluded that the brain is really analogue and so they
   worked out the volume of the skull at the Planck scale (actually
   that doesn't work either as the Planck length is far far far to
   large at 1.6 x 10^-35 m)

and so on...

Does anybody have a better explanation?


--- "Amara D. Angelica" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >      
> Discovering the Capacity of Human Memory
> Brain and Mind, August 2003
> The memory capacity of the human brain is on the order of 10^8432 bits,
> three scientists have estimated. 
> Writing in the August issue of Brain and Mind, their "OAR" cognitive
> model asserts that human memory and knowledge are represented by a
> network of relations, i.e., connections of synapses between neurons,
> rather than by the neurons themselves as in the traditional
> information-container model (1 neuron = 1 bit). 
> This explains why "the magnitude of neurons in an adult brain seems
> stable; however, huge amount of information can be remembered throughout
> the entire life of a person," they point out. 
> Based on the projected computer memory capacity of 8 x 10^12 bits in the
> next ten years, Yingxu Wang et al. conclude that the memory capacity of
> a human brain is equivalent to at least "10^8419 modern
> computers....This tremendous difference of memory magnitudes between
> human beings and computers demonstrates the efficiency of information
> representation, storage, and processing in the human brains." 
> They also conclude that "this new factor has revealed the tremendous
> quantitative gap between the natural and machine intelligence" and that
> "next-generation computer memory systems may be built according to their
> relational model rather than the traditional container metaphor" because
> "the former is more powerful, flexible, and efficient, and is capable of
> generating a mathematically unlimited memory capacity by using limited
> number of neurons in the brain or hardware cells in the next generation
> computers." 
> Brain and Mind 4 (2): 189-198, August 2003
> -------
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