Needless to say, I don't consider cleaning up the house a particularly
interesting goal for AGI projects.  I can well imagine it being done
by a narrow AI system with no capability to do anything besides
manipulate simple objects, navigate, etc.

Being able to understand natural language commands pertaining to
cleaning up the house is a whole other kettle of fish, of course.
This, as opposed to the actual house-cleaning, appears to be an
"AGI-hard" problem...

-- BenG

On 1/6/07, Pei Wang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"Stanford scientists plan to make a robot capable of performing
everyday tasks, such as unloading the dishwasher."

On 1/6/07, Benjamin Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > The problem wasn't technological.  It was that nobody had any use for
> > a robot.  We never figured out what people would want the robot for.
> > I think that's still the problem.
> >
> Phil, I think the real issue is that no one wants an expensive,
> stupid, awkward robot...
> A broadly functional household robot would be very useful, even if it
> lacked intelligence beyond the human-moron level...
> For instance, right now, I would like a robot to go into my daughter's
> room and clean up the rabbit turds that are in the rabbit playpen in
> there.  I would rather not do it.  But, a Roomba can't handle this
> task because it can't climb over the walls of the playpen, nor
> understand my instructions, nor pick up the turds but leave the legos
> on the floor alone...
> Heck, a robot to let the dogs in and out of the house would be nice
> too... being "doggie doorman" gets tiring.  Of course, this could be
> solved more easily by installing a doggie door ;-)
> How about a robot to bring me the cordless phone when it rings, but
> has been left somewhere else in the house ... ?  ;-)
> How about one to put the dishes in the dishwasher and unload them ...
> and re-insert the ones that didn't get totally cleaned?  The
> dishwasher is a good invention but it only does half the job....
> The problem **is** technological: it's that current robots really suck
> ... not that non-sucky robots would be useles...
> -- Ben
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