On 6/5/07, Bob Mottram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think this is the view put forward by Hugo De Garis.  I used to
regard his views as little more than an amusing sci-fi plot, but more
recently I am slowly coming around to the view that there could emerge
a rift between those who want to build human-rivaling intelligences
and those who don't, probably at first amongst academics then later in
the rest of society.  I think it's quite possible that todays
existential riskers may turn into tomorrows neo-luddite movement.  I
also think that some of those promoting AI today may switch sides as
they see the prospect of a singularity becoming more imminent.

On the subject of neo-luddite terrorists, the Unabomber's Manifesto makes
for fascinating but chilling reading:



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