a wrote:
Linas Vepstas wrote:

The issue is that there's no safety net protecting against avalanches of unbounded size. The other issue is that its not grains of sand, its people. My bank-account and my brains can insulate me from small shocks. I'd like to have protection against the bigger forces that can wipe me out.
I am skeptical that economies follow the self-organized criticality behavior. There aren't any examples. Some would cite the Great Depression, but it was caused by the malinvestment created by Central Banks. e.g. The Federal Reserve System. See the Austrian Business Cycle Theory for details.
In conclusion, economics is a bad analogy with complex systems.
OK. I'm skeptical that a Free-Market economy has ever existed. Possibly the agora of ancient Greece came close. The Persians though so: "Who are these people who have special places where they go to cheat each other?" However I suspect that a closer look would show that these, also, were regulated to some degree by an external power. (E.g., threat of force from the government if the customers rioted.)

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