The resource allocation problem and why it needs to be solved first

How much memory and processing power should you apply to the following things?:

Visual Processing
Sound Processing
Seeing past experiences and how they apply to the current one
Searching for new ways of doing things
Applying each heuristic

Is there one right way of deciding these things when you have limited
resources? At time A  might you want more reasoning done (while in a
debate) and at time B more visual processing (while driving).

There is also the long term memory problem, should you remember your
first kiss or the first star trek episode you saw. Which is more

An intelligent system needs to solve this problem for itself, as only
it will know what is important for the problems it faces. That is it
is a local problem. It also requires resources itself. If resources
are tight then very approximate methods of determining how many
resources to spend on each activity.

Due to this, the resource management should not be algorithmic, but
free to adapt to the amount of resources at hand. I'm intent on a
economic solution to the problem, where each  activity is an economic

This approach needs to be at the lowest level because each activity
has to be programmed with the knowledge of how to act in an economic
setting as well as to perform its job. How much should it pay for the
other activities of the the programs around it?

I'll attempt to write a paper on this, with proper references (Baum,
Mark Miller et Al.) But I would be interested in feedback at this

  Will Pearson

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