On 01/04/2008, Vladimir Nesov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 6:30 PM, William Pearson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > The resource allocation problem and why it needs to be solved first
>  >
>  >  How much memory and processing power should you apply to the following 
> things?:
>  >
>  >  Visual Processing
>  >  Reasoning
>  >  Sound Processing
>  >  Seeing past experiences and how they apply to the current one
>  >  Searching for new ways of doing things
>  >  Applying each heuristic
>  >
> This question supposes a specific kind of architecture, where these
>  things are in some sense separate from each other.

I am agnostic to how much things are separate. At any particular time
a machine can be doing less or more of each of these things. For
example in humans it is quite common to talk of concentration.

E.g. "I'm sorry I wasn't concentrating on what you said, could you repeat it."
"Stop thinking about the girl, concentrate on the problem at hand."

Do you think this is meaningful?

> If they are but
>  aspects of the same process, with modalities integrated parts of
>  reasoning, resources can't be rationed on such a high level. Rather
>  underlying low-level elements should be globally restricted and
>  differentiate to support different high-level processes (so that
>  certain portion of them gets mainly devoted to visual processing,
>  high-level reasoning, language, etc.).

It boils down to the same thing. If more low level elements are
devoted (neuron-equivalents?) to a task in general it is giving it
more potential memory, processing power and bandwidth. How is that
decided? In some connectionist systems, I would associate it with the
stability-plasticity problem described here in section 6.


The nutshell is if you have new learning, should it overwrite the old?
If so, which information, if not, please can I have your infinite
memory system.

Assuming you are implementing this on a normal computer you can easily
see that it all boils down to these resources.

In the brain not all elements can work at peak effectiveness at the
same time (consider the perils of driving while on the mobile *). So
even if you had devoted the elements, then further decisions need to
be made at run time. Different regions of elements become the
resources to be rationed. For example Short-term memory becomes a
resource you have to decide how to use.

Also oxygen would seem to be a resource in short supply, within the brain.

The question remains the same, how should a system choose what to do
or what to be.


* http://www.bmj.com/cgi/content/abstract/bmj.38537.397512.55v1

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