Ed Porter wrote:
There is no evidence you are more justified in laughing at my position than
I am in saying your complexity issues do not appear to represent a major
unsolved conceptual issues.

Remember I am not denying complexity issues don't exist.  Instead I am
saying it is not clear they provide a major conceptual problem.  There are
many tools for controlling the dynamic complexity in a Novamente-like
system.  How long it will take to tune and refine them is an issue.  In
WebMind Ben said parameter tuning turned out to be a substantial problem,
particularly because of the slowness of the system on which they were
exploring the parameter space.  So I think it will present an engineering
challenge and require more thought to provide the dynamic control required
for things like efficient inferencing.  But it is not clear such control
issues will present a major conceptual problem.
And remember I have admitted you might, in fact, be correct, and that
complexity may turn out to present a major conceptual problem --- although I
doubt it.
So you are treating my viewpoint with much less respect than you are
treating mine and it is far from clear your greater certitude is at all
justified by the evidence. Merely referring to Morton-Thiokol in no way
proves that you like them were right when others were wrong.


Everything you have said in this and the last few posts about the 'complex systems issue' has nothing whatsoever to do with the complex systems problem that I have described - there is simply no connection between the CSP and your reflected-back version of it.

That is not lack of respect for your viewpoint, it is a simple statement of fact.

In my anecdote about Morton Thiolokol, your contribution would be one of the people "who present a complete misunderstanding of what I was talking about".

I do not laugh at your misunderstanding, I laugh at the general complacency; the attitude that a problem denied is a problem solved. I laugh at the tragicomedic waste of effort.

Richard Loosemore

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