Ben:> No one knows which brain functions rely on emergence to which extents ...
we're still puzzling this out even in relatively well-understood brain regions like visual cortex. ...> But, the neural structures that carry out object-recognition may well emerge
as a result of complex nonlinear dynamics involving learning in both the
feedback and feedforward connections...


Why, when you see this:

do you also see something like this:

"Wtf is he on about?" Well, you just effortlessly crossed domains - did some "emergence." You "solved" the central problem of AGI - that underlies metaphor, analogy, creativity, conceptualisation/categorisation, and even, I'd argue, visual object recognition - how to cross domains.

How did you solve it?

We have a philosophical difference here - your approach is/was to consider ways of information processing - look at different kinds of logic, programming, neural networks and theories of neural processing, (as above) and set up your system on that basis, and hope the answer will emerge. (You also defined all 4 main approaches to AGI purely in terms of info. processing and not in any terms of how they propose to cross domains).

My approach is: first you look at the problem of crossing domains in its own terms - work out an ideal way to solve it - which will probably be close to the way the mind does solve it - & then think about how to implement your solution technically, because otherwise you're working blind. Isn't that (he asks from ignorance) what you guys do when called in to help design a company's IT system from scratch - look first at the company's problems in their own terms, before making technical recommendations? (It's OK - I know minds won't meet here :) ).

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