Jim Bromer wrote:
> Forward and backward chaining are not hacks. They has been two of the most
 > commonly and often successfully techniques in AI search for at least 30
 > years. They are not some sort of wave of the hand. They are much more
> concretely grounded in successful AI experience than many of your much more > ethereal, and very arguably hand waving, statements about having many of the
 > difficult problems in AI are to be cured by some as yet unclearly defined
 > emergence from complexity.

Richard Loosemore's response:
Oh dear: yet again I have to turn a blind eye to the ad hominem insults.

There were no ad hominem insults in Ed's response. His comment about Richard's ethereal hand waiving was clearly and unmistakably within the boundaries that Richard has set in his own criticisms again and again. And Ed specified the target of the criticism when he spoke of the "difficult problems in AI ...[which]... are to be cured by some as yet unclearly defined emergence from complexity." All Richard had to do was to answer the question, and instead he ran for cover behind this bogus charge of being the victim of an ad hominem insult.


Take a more careful look, if you please.

Ed and I were talking about a particular *topic*, but then in the middle of the discussion about that topic, he suddenly declared that the techniques in question were "much more concretely grounded in successful AI experience than many of your much more ethereal, and very arguably hand waving, statements about having many of the difficult problems in AI are to be cured by some as yet unclearly defined emergence from complexity." Instead of trying to make statements about the topic, he tries to denigrate some proposals that I have made. Whether my proposals are or are not worthy of such criticism, that has nothing to do with the topic that was under discussion. He just took a moment out to make a quick insult.

To make matters worse, what he actually says about my proposals is also a pretty bad misrepresentation of what I have said. My central claim is that there is a problem at the heart of the current AI methodology. I have said that there is a sickness there. I have also given an outline of a possible cure - but I have been quite clear to everyone that this is just an outline of the cure, nothing more. Now, do you really think that a physician should be criticised for IDENTIFYING a malady, because he did not, in the same breath, also propose a CURE for the malady?

Finally, you yourself say that I "ran for cover behind this bogus
charge of being the victim of an ad hominem insult" .... but I did nothing of the sort. I went on to ignore the insult, giving as full a reply to his point as I would have done if the insult had not been there.

As I said, I turned a blind eye to it, albeit after pointing it out.

Tut tut.

If upon reflection, Richard sincerely believes that Ed's comment was an ad hominem insult, then we can take this comment as a basis for detecting the true motivation behind those comments of Richard which are so similar in form.

For example, Richard said, " Understanding that they only have the status of hacks is a very important sign of maturity as an AI researcher. There is a very deep truth buried in that fact."

While I have some partial agreement with Richard's side on this one particular statement, I can only conclude that by using Richard's own measure of "ad hominem insults" that Richard must have intended this remark to have that kind of effect. Similarly, I feel comfortable with the conclusion that every time Richard uses his "hand waiving" argument, there is a good chance that he is just using it as an all-purpose ad hominem insult.

Excuse me? "Ad hominem" means that the remarks were designed to win an argument by insulting the other person. Ed is not an AI researcher, he admits, himself, that he has only an outsider's perspective on this field, that he is learning. I was mostly directing that comment at people who claim to be far more experienced than he.

It is too bad that Richard cannot discuss his complexity theory without running from the fact that his solution to the problem is based on his non-explanation that,
"...in this "emergent" (or, to be precise, "complex system") answer to
the question, there is no guarantee that binding will happen. The
binding problem in effect disappears - it does not need to be explicitly
solved because it simply never arises. There is no specific mechanism
designed to construct bindings (although there are lots of small
mechanisms that enforce constraints), there is only a general style of
computation, which is the relaxation-of-constraints style."

From reading Richard's postings I think that Richard does not believe there is a problem because the nature of complexity itself will solve the problem - once someone is lucky enough to find the right combination of initial rules.

For those who believe that problems are solved through study and experimentation, Richard has no response to the most difficult problems in contemporary AI research except to cry foul. He does not even consider such questions to be valid.

There is not much I can do in the face of such a deep misunderstanding of the actual words I have written on the topic.

I think you are just venting, to be honest.

If you had asked me to clarify my remarks I would have been happy to try, but your tone indicates that his would be a waste of time.

Richard Loosemore.

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